General Construction Administration Duties:
-- Work on the owner’s behalf and liaison between the builder and other professionals to assist in the construction process both in office and at the jobsite.
-- Observe the construction proceeds in accordance with the construction documents and compliance to all budgets for contracted services.
-- Monitor an effective construction quality control program and document construction activities, maintain schedules and evaluate progress to authorize payment on draw schedule for the work substantially completed.
-- Verify change orders and collaborate with engineers, general and sub-contractors, material suppliers, and other professionals ensuring a smooth building process.
-- Ensure compliance with applicable safety standards, building codes, and general or specific construction methods and standards.
Contracted as the owner’s agent we use our intimate knowledge of your design and working drawings with decades of jobsite and construction experience to assist contractors and prevent or solve problems arising at key phases during construction, resolve conflicts with engineering, and make strategic and opportune field changes either saving money, enhancing the building design or both.
Unfortunately, many general contractors convince owners this service is unnecessary. They couldn’t be more wrong. Most builders do not maintain any continuing education program or expanding knowledge base and advancement in new cost effective construction technologies unless it is brought to them by their client and only then reluctantly are forced to employ. Time and time again additional professional assistance and observation during key phases by others simply make their job easier, the project flow smoother, maintain project schedules and budgets, and keep the owner apprised of the construction progress and informed about the methods and materials their builder utilized in their construction.
Too many times the owners and builders end the construction process never to speak again, work out agreeable legitimate punch lists, or worse end up in lawsuits over preventable circumstances.
If it is important for you to have your construction run smoothly having our “team approach” working together preventing and solving problems along the way, it’s important to keep your design professional involved along the way and utilize their services.